Babaginda: No Reconciliation's! No Vanquished


Femi Oyesanya

July 30, 2004


Wole Soyinka, the Nigerian civil rights activist and Noble Prize winner, recently called upon the Nigerian ex Dictator, General Babaginda, to tender a request for national collective forgiveness. The tender for forgiveness, according to Soyinka would be the bridge for the Dictator to attain a clean political slate. The atonement of a Tyrant! Reconciliation's of a usurper!

Well, Wole Soyinka's political vigor must be getting old and tired. Only recently, Wole Soyinka kissed Gowon in the same spirit of forgive and forget. Soyinka is aging, what is left might just be the savor of old wine. Drink to his yesterdays, the man is really dying!

Transgressions against the collective will of the Nigerian people are intransitive to forgiveness, and no Nigerian intellectual can advocate that we forgive tyrants. We are incapable. Soyinka confused helplessness with a forgiving Nigerian demeanor when he said, “Nigerians are kind, very tolerating people, and then after that he (Babangida) would then start presenting his credentials like a candidate and a new applicant to the 2007 race" We might be helpless, but we are not sheep. We will not clean the slate of history for men that bastardized our existence. The history of Nigerian tyranny will forever be written in blood. This is the truth that must not be reversed. No reconciliation's! No vanquished! It's as simple as that, an eye for a scrotum!

Babaginda's sins resulted in the bastardization of the Nigerian political consciousness. The annulled election was an overwhelming Injustice. It is a definitive political history that cannot be cast away with the magic wand of atonement. Now, I suspect that even if God showed up in Abuja accompanied by all his angels and goodwill, his salvational tendencies will not extend to mediating a forgiveness plea on behalf of the Tyrant. For that matter, no self respecting deity would in any way deny the Nigerian his conscientious Dignity to a Babaginda vendetta. We have earned the right to anger! A right for the total Babaginda condemnation. A right never to forgive or forget. Even if by an unforeseen miracle, Babaginda becomes imposed on us again, it will be just that. Another rule by arbitrary whim. We will not forgive!