ICT In Education


John Yohanna Abimaje





Like the technology innovations which enhance performance in all sectors of economic and social activities, educational technology has developed over the last thirty years and ultimately improved the quality and efficiency of education and learning, educational management and research.


The Educational Technology can be seen as the end result of the systematic application of scientific knowledge in finding practical solutions to specific problems. It can also include teaching procedures, practices and materials. Consequently, the inputs from technological developments comprises, on the hand, non physical products (programmed learning soft wares, individualized learning, teaching skills, the use of computers in learning, computer assisted education, comprehensive educational syllabi or curricula, multimedia, etc.); they also include, physical products such as microcomputers, mainframe computers, video cassette recorders, radio and television sets, video-tape recorders, tape recorders, overhead projectors, photographic slides, electronic acetates, etc..)


On the issue of Information Communication Technology in education described here, exploration of the potential of an interactive system to help students to conceptualize the ideal hold on his/her area of discipline is being considered.


Actually, the central task of the educator is to help students to understand the various question the discipline they are studying ask, for this assistance empowers students conceptually in developing their familiarity with the grand ideas of the discipline they are studying. One way of helping this literacy to emerge is to guide the alignment of personal theory with the discipline the students are studying, developing and extending students’ common sense views until they coincide with the concept of their discipline.


The innovation of the computer and programmed instruction were applied to education with encouraging result. Correspondence education later developed into distance education that we have today. While correspondence education utilized printed materials and programmed instruction, distance teaching has incorporated a variety of media to achieve educational result. It is observed that technology improves all the time, new ideas is all the time being introduced by industry and these should be applied to the process of education in order to help in solving problem that educators are challenged with.


Looking at the whole purpose of an educational system, we see that it is an efficient communication through the instruction sub-system. That is, the transmission of information, knowledge skills, values and attitudes from a source to a recipient, bridging the gap between generations of learners. A major purpose of communication is to influence the recipient of information to influence learners and consequently society, in a desirable way, the future of the society has to be kept in view.


Recent developments in technology, especially in computer technology has set the pace of development at fast “forward” in all spares. The educational sector is therefore in danger of loosing contact with world realities in the very near future. The rate of advances in computer technology and the transformation it brings in its wake for communication and “work” cannot be ignored by the educational sector for two reasons; education involves and depends on communication system and secondly, education prepares the future society for a world of work.


Technology is about machines. Machine make-work easier; achieve more work in less time. It can therefore be expected that employing technology in teaching would introduce better efficiency in the instructional system. This is achieved in many ways:  

  • Expanding the possible modalities of learning (redundancy)

  • Adds some measure of reality to learning (concreteness)

  • Increases the perceptual scope of the learner (immediacy)

  • Motivates the learner by making learning easier more interesting, and challenging.

  • Provides the teacher with more reflective time for improving instruction.

  • Make record keep and evaluation easier.


The main implication of a computer for instruction is not in data processing but in its ability to aid the further development of all the other information system used in education. For instance, photography can be improved by using computerized cameras, which adjust automatically for light exposure and object distance.


Accordingly, when ICT are discussed, much attention is however focused on the computer because of its versatility. This is due to:  

·         Its high speed processing of information.

·         The ability to adapt to various input formats and encoding system.

·         Convenient information packaging format.

·         Relatively easy manipulation techniques

·         Relatively low cost of the technology.

·         Adaptability to user condition and modes.


The computer has also gained the attention because it is regarded as the main changing agent for the future. It is envisaged that in the very near future, most work will be done through computers so the computer technology has become an important subject for the educational system.


In the school system, the computer can serve as subject , as media, and as a tool for creative work. As a subject, the student learns about computer. This is computer literacy. The argument for computer literacy is that in the future, the inability to use computers would be as limiting as the inability to read and write. It has therefore become important as this age to learn the basic uses of computers, to learn to operate the computer, to learn to use various computer software and learn to develop computer software for various purposes.


As media, the computer is used for teaching and learning. This is Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). The knowledge of computers and programmed instruction are used to produce computer programmes that teach. It becomes possible to tailor instruction to individual needs. Learners can advance at their homes. Teachers can utilize packaged lesions or produced their own course wave. CAI adds a lot of flexibility to learning system.


As a tool for creative work, the learner uses the computer to advance his/her ideas, trying out new methods or projects, and experimenting with, and creating new concepts. In this format, to use a computer also serve as a problem solving tool, calculating, manipulating and analyzing data.


However, one of the ways the computer can be used for teaching and learning is the Internet. It affords all learners and educators a rich resource for their teaching research. So, what is Internet? It can be described as the connections of over a million computers all over the world, sharing information on different subject of life. With the help of browsing software such as Microsoft Internet Explore and Netscape Navigator, the rich materials shared within the internet can be accessed, download and used for research work.


Part of the benefits of using the Internet includes:  

  • Enabling the students to discover how the information they gain fits into real life

  • Motivation of students to seek out information and communicate with people from other communities

  • Provision of opportunity to students to make choices about the type and direction of the learning activities in which they engage. Students can undertake tasks and gain feedback quickly and efficiently. This has the potential to cater for individual learning styles and requirements. For example, students can create their own web page, providing information about a topic of personal interest, or they could investigate art galleries around the world in order to create their own cyber art collections.

  • Collaborative learning between students can be facilitated. Project-centred, small group activities are probably the most efficient way for students to use and explore the recourses available on the Internet. Student researching any subject, for instance the effects of the use of tobacco, can fine information from different sources, for varying audiences and with different levels of bias and credibility.

  • Providing the students with the opportunities for telemonitoring. The Internet community can play an important role in enhancing a student’s experience. Educators, business people, academics, artists, professionals, retired people, expects, parents, and other students can provide valuable input, feedback, experience, expect professional advice and historical perspectives often not available

  • It also provides opportunities for student to communicate with various people around the world. Since it is possible to send massages, documents, picture, movie or sound file to other users anywhere at anytime. For example, student-studying language can make email contact in the targeted language with student overseas.


In general terms, the introduction of new technologies in education would provide education with productive systems, ensuring equal opportunities for learners. Technology itself has generated new information at an exponential rate and it is only through technology that the tremendous amount of available information can be harnessed and accessed in learning.