The Politics Of Nuclear Arms – America’s Grand Plan


Bello Abdullahi



The end of World War II in 1945 marked the beginning of the Cold War between the East and West; or more precisely, between the then Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR) and the United States of America, with each trying to outwit the other in arms, space, intelligence-gathering and empire building. This bitter rivalry gave birth to the Warsaw Pact and NATO, which to date pitched the countries of the World into three broad blocs: East, West, or Non-Aligned. However, the realities of globalization and international diplomacy narrowed the blocs further into East, representing the communist political and economic system and West, representing capitalist and the so-called “free World”, eliminating the Non-Aligned group and consigning it into the history books as an ideology.  As a matter of fact, I cannot remember when I last came across the term. The spear-heads of these blocs, namely the USSR and the United States of America, continued to spy on each other with espionages and counter espionages, losing many of their brilliant and intelligent citizens in the areas of nuclear science, space, intelligence, military, and the academia.


Such was the situation until the disintegration of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR) in 1991. The United States of America did not relax until it achieved what it has been planning for many years through its structures like the CIA, FBI, and Globalization – the balkanization of the USSR and an end to Communism as an ideology and economic system. It sold the slogan of “free-World” and “free-enterprise” to the regions and cornered the leadership of the USSR through its adventurous leader, Gorbachev, who introduced “Glasnot” and “Perestroika” as a philosophy and blueprint of running the affairs of the disintegrating Union. Little did he know then that America, and indeed Ronald Reagan, was helping him dig his deep political grave. In the end, Gorbachev lost not only his empire but his power as well. He was finally swept into the dust bin of past leaders of the USSR that are better forgotten. The only compensation America has for him is to send a return ticket to him and esta code to attend summits in Europe and America as his reward for helping them achieve their long-term ambition: seeing the demise of communism within the life span of the baby-boomers! Hear late Ronald Reagan, the former American President in his autobiography, “An American Life”: America should explore if the time hasn’t come to confront the Russians and tell them all the things we could do for them if they’d quit their bad acting and decide to join the civilized world”. How myopic! This singular act was, and still is, considered to be the biggest achievement of Ronald Reagan, whose mantra back then was “Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Referring to the wall that divided Germany into two, the single oldest legacy of World War II:  East (Communist) and West (Capitalist). In the same autobiography he singled out the demise of communism and the disintegration of the USSR as his most outstanding achievement.  This is in spite of the fact that in 1986 the Iran-Contra scandal almost turned into another Watergate and cost him the Presidency. This explains the spectacular funeral America gave him when he died in 2004. Russia, what remains of the former USSR, is now a member of the group of highly industrialized nations of the World, the G-8. From an “observer” status of what used to be the “G-7”, the group was changed to “G-8” to accommodate Russia! This was all made possible by the United States of America. Russia is now a toothless bulldog because even the sophisticated arms she used to compete with America such as nuclear arms, missiles, etc were dismantled and shared among its former Republics such as Ukraine and Georgia. What we are witnessing today is that America is tactfully installing its puppets in these republics in the name of “democracy”, enrolling them into either NATO or EU, or both.


One can safely conclude that the United States of America is the ONLY “superpower” in the world, politically, economically, and militarily. From Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, popularly known as SALT, to Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, otherwise known as START, to today’s Strategic Arms and Nuclear Monopoly, or STANUM (My coinage). But then where are other powerful nations that existed and ruled the world long before the emergence of America, such as the Roman Empire. Its reign may not even last half as long as those of these empires since countries like China and Japan are breathing down its neck, literally. That is why today you hear all sorts of propaganda phrases being circulated between the Americas’ and European press  that the economies of these countries(China and Japan) are either growing too fast, the bubble will soon burst, or their currencies are too strong, or both. When these antics failed, they resorted to imposing trade quotas and tariffs on goods the countries export to Europe and America such as textiles and cars.  


With the balkanization of its archrival, the USSR, and the demise of communism in 1991, at least as an ideology-export and the disintegration of the Warsaw Pact, the United States of America turned to the next item on its agenda: Islam and Muslims.


This agenda is today being pursued by America with a renewed determination since the 11th September, 2001 attack, in the name of fighting “terrorism”. Covertly, however, its direction is Nuclear Arms Stock-Piling and the elimination of those of other countries, particularly those of the Muslim World like Iran, while secretly arming Israel to the teeth. It is really amazing that America does not seem to learn from past experiences; like the humiliating defeats it suffered in Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, and Somalia. Military experts have predicted that Iraq would be another quagmire like Vietnam; the Vietcongs would have been proud of the Iraqis given the stark difference in the two battlefields: swampy thick forests and plain sandy desert.


The grand design of the United States of America is for it and Israel to have monopoly of all Nuclear Arms, WMD, Missiles, etc. The United States to police the Americas, Asia and Europe, while Israel polices Africa and the Middle East. While it is using the United Nations to impose sanctions through its nuclear outfit, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its Arab leader El-Baradei inspects countries suspected to possess nuclear capabilities such as North Korea, Iran, and Libya. As at today countries like North Korea, Iran, Libya, and of course, Iraq were visited and inspected by the Agency for the umpteenth time without a single visit to Israel, despite the fact that as at today, Israel can boast of ALL the type of arms (Nuclear, WMD, missiles, biological) that America has in its arsenal. This is despite the fact that Vanunu, an Israeli that used to work at the Israeli nuclear sites, held a press conference and revealed to the whole world the nuclear capabilities of Israel. As expected, America did not blink and neither did the United Nations utter a word, talk less of sending El-Baradei and his boys, or imposing sanctions. Instead, Vanunu was kidnapped by the Israeli Mossad and incarcerated. When he was released sometime in 2003 he confirmed the same revelations without any remorse or apologies about what he disclosed. Today the World press has kept quiet about the nuclear capabilities of Israel and Vanunu’s whereabouts is only known to a privileged few. Hear El-Baradei, the IAEA Chief when he was addressing a press conference after Iran’s defiance on nuclear armament “The international community has zero tolerance for any NEW country to go for a nuclear weapon.” In between the lines: only America and Israel are authorized by the UN to possess nuclear arms! It is unfortunate that a Muslim-Arab is being used to arm America and Israel – and seems to enjoy what he is doing. How can the World be “nuclear-free” when America has military and naval bases across the Five Continents of the World, which she is expanding everyday?


The “zero tolerance” El-Baradei is talking about is only for countries like North Korea (of course because of its position as the last bastion of the communist ideology in Asia), Iran (a staunch Islamic Republic without any apologies), and Libya (before it was cowered into abandoning the project by Europe and America). America and its tool, the UN, are not making too much noise about Pakistan for now because of the purpose it is serving them in its “war on terrorism” and it is being closely guarded by India. Pakistan would have finished serving this purpose and by then America and the UN will turn and dismantle their capabilities, one way or another. Why is it only the United States of America and Israel that have the moral right to acquire Nuclear Arms? Why not Iran, Libya, Russia, North Korea, Syria, or for that matter, Saudi Arabia? The United States single-handedly created the present situation of Nuclear Arms race in the World. It has already started using the pretext of WMD, Nuclear arms, etc to invade and destroy the few outspoken and independent-minded Islamic countries like Iraq, and  is already warming up for Iran and Syria. The so-called “moderate” (un-Islamic is more like it) countries like Egypt and Jordan are being used to balance the double standard diplomacy scale of the United States, in spite of the humiliating defeat they suffered between 1967 and the so-called “seven-day-war” in 1973 at the end of which they only ended up conceding parts of their countries like Golan Heights and Sinai to the Israelis.


Robert McNamara, former US Secretary of Defense during the Kennedy Presidency, had this to say when he was asked his opinion about the risk of nuclear catastrophe in the Time Magazine of 16th May, 2005:”I would characterize US nuclear weapons policy as immoral, illegal, militarily unnecessary and dreadfully dangerous.” I have never come across a more succinct and apt description of the nuclear mess the United States of America has created in the present day World.


Unless the United States drops its hypocritical double standard foreign policy the World will never be free of nuclear arms. Why should other countries of the World, particularly the oil-rich Arab countries, who can afford the Nuclear arms at any cost, go to sleep while the United States and Israel are stock-piling all sorts of arms: WMD, Nuclear Arms, Missiles, Biological Weapons, etc? And the so-called inspectors of IAEA and the UN never talk about them.


I am not in support of countries stock-piling arms. The World is better off without them. However, America and its policies are the cause of all the political problems that exist in the World today. If not for America the two Koreas would have fused back, the Palestinians would have had a state of their own, and Pakistan and India would be better neighbors considering their ancestral origin. The United Nations should see to it that no country, not even America or Israel, should stock-pile arms that will threaten humanity. What applies to Pyongyang or Tehran should also be applicable to Washington and Tel Aviv, sorry, Jerusalem. Simple! The United Nations Organization should live up to its name and stop discriminating against member nations, otherwise a more appropriate name of United Nations of Americas and Europe should be given to it.


To my mind, the solution to a peaceful and nuclear-free World that citizens of all countries, big and small, will enjoy is four-fold, namely:


  1. The United Nations should supervise the dismantling of all nuclear, WMD, biological, and any other harmful weapons in all countries known to possess them, including America and Israel. The IAEA should be completely overhauled as El-Baradei and his boys have outlived their American purpose.

  2. The United States should change its double-standard policy in the Middle-East, particularly the PLO-Israeli protracted conflict. Why all solutions, including the so-called “Road Map”, failed is because of American partial involvement. While it is openly and secretly arming Israel with nuclear arms, latest aircraft, missiles, custom-built tanks, etc to the teeth, consignments of common AK 47s shipped to the PLO by countries like Iran and Libya always make World headlines.

  3. America should drop its crusade against Islam and Muslims in the pretext of fighting “terrorism”. It reserves the right to invade any country of its choice and massacre its citizens, imprison and abuse some of them and nobody should mention it; but when a single American citizen is killed by an Arab that is TERRORISM.

  4. America should drop its empire building in the name of “free World” and “free-enterprise”. Countries should be free to choose whatever system of government or economic system that suits them. Countries associated with America in the past have little to show for it now as they have been abandoned to wallow in abject poverty and deprivation. Ask Haiti, Nicaragua, El-Salvador, Panama. Zaire, Liberia, etc. Why should America insist on imposing “democracy” and “freedom” in a country like Turkey that is 99% Muslim? Or, for that matter, what is the business of America if the people of Libya decide to keep Gaddafi as their leader for the rest of his life? Or why should America be concerned with an Afghan woman clad in a burqah, or their men in turban? Are these countries making noise about women walking half-naked or stark naked in the streets of New York? Or are they complaining because countries like the Netherlands, Spain and America have legalized same-sex marriages or abortions?


So long as America does not drop its “Grand Plan” of dismantling the arms of other countries while together with its cohort, Israel, they continue to stock-pile, so long as America does not drop its senseless crusade of fighting Islam and Muslims, so long as America does not change its policy of divide and support in the Middle-East, the World will never be nuclear arms free. And America and Europe will continue to sleep with one eye open as they will never be free of attacks from aggrieved Muslims and non-Muslims alike. What happened in Madrid and London confirms this.


Failure to heed this will make the WW III that is already looming in the horizon inevitable.


The rest of the sane World must not allow this to happen, even at the expense of America and Israel.