Why Do Nigerians Prefer Delusion to Confusion?


D A Juliuson




Some people live in fear of making a mistake. They feel they just couldn’t face the shame. Ironically, such people are mistaken. If we don’t get it wrong, we’ll never learn anything. We just become a kind of “one trick pony” ambling through life, repeating the same old safe, tried and tested tricks. In our country, Nigeria, we have lately been living life on the edge. We have had to face our own weaknesses, whilst we have managed to conquer some of these, most impressively, we are painfully aware of others. We should fear not. We’ll surely with God’s support beat these in the next battle. Certainty is a dangerous state. The worst “rogue nation” on the face of the globe….is determination! When we feel sure of ourselves beyond all doubt, we become terrifying and obnoxious. We become capable of doing things that are dreadfully wrong, whilst believing the whole time that we have some kind of divine right. It’s worth remembering that evil never thinks of itself as evil. It invariably acts out of what it feels quite sure are good motives. The very best thing we can do now in our beloved country is encourage some doubts and debates. Like I had said many times before, the hungry must be fed, the homeless housed, the sick treated and the weak protected. These, surely, are the duties of anyone who hold – or aspire to hold – any kind of power. But have we noticed how when you try to tidy a room, it is never possible to clear up every last inch of it. Sometimes, a little mess will remain. Even, if it’s discreetly hidden behind a door, a drawer, or a “speaker”. Perhaps, if we could just get rid of that one last lingering imperfection, we could banish all mess forever in our motherland, but that might be living in a sterile environment. Some people ought to stop listening to me and start working. Somewhere in our country, there’s a floor that needs scrubbing AND a dirty job that somebody has to do.



So here we are. The tomorrow that we have been waiting for so apprehensively has arrived. And guess what? There will be another tomorrow, tomorrow. Time is a neat invention. It takes us all a while to get used to it but sooner than later we wise up. Nothing lasts forever. Most things though, last longer than we expect them. The change we seek in our country is attainable. Each day, we’re getting closer to it. We need to adapt to the speed of the train that we’re travelling on. Let’s not worry. I believe it’s surely heading to the right destination. We are gaining new insights by the day. Some of these we strongly suspect, will eventually lead us down some very different roads. We are probably right…they will, But the road we are currently on in our country is still a good one. The time to take action has not yet arrived. We do not yet know the whole story. We really need to mull things over. While we do so, let’s make the most of what’s actually happening. If it’s going to change, it deserves to be appreciated while there’s still time. There are some significant factors to take into account and adjust to. There’s also an element of irony in our country’s situation which one day we might see the lighter side of. If we truly and honestly want to be constructive, we have to be firm but flexible, focused but free, furious but fair. Aren’t these contradictions? Of course! But then what we are dealing with now on the national level is one giant contradiction. Let’s accept it for what it is now and we will see how to stop it being a problem. Let’s have a little faith in our own understanding of what matters. We must trust that, even though we don’t know everything, we know enough on which to base a reasonably sound judgement. As long as we are now willing to double check our calculations before we implement our choices, we stand an excellent chance of getting our next move right. We can't really be scared of werewolves, vampires and zombies. If we were, we wouldn't be able to dress up as them. That begs an interesting question. What is it that we fear in our country? More relevantly, what is it that we fear now? It's certainly nothing obvious. We take in our stride challenges that might soon bring others to their knees. Yet we do have a weakness and we need, somehow, to identify, understand and overcome it. I believe the Lord has promised that this will soon prove easier to do than we imagine.



In this world of ours, we like our friends to have something in common with us. A shared interest makes it much easier to keep any relationship alive. We don’t want to be in complete agreement about everything all the time. We need at least a few differences of opinion, if only so we can have an interesting debate. As long as there's mutual respect, those differences can be pretty big. It's not 'opposing points of view' that make folk dislike each other. It's a 'refusal to see that the other point of view has merit." I mention all that now because there's a conflict emerging in our country. Let’s not feed it – and let’s not run away from it either. Let’s look for a way to 'agree to differ' this really IS possible. Two wrongs may not make a right, but they don't necessarily make matters any worse than when there was just one wrong! Two rights, under some circumstances, could make some things seem very wrong. And what if we are wrong to think something is right? Then life gets very confusing. By and large, we are all wrong to spend too much time worrying about whether anything is right or wrong. If something is really wrong now, it will gradually become clear to us - and we will naturally see how to put it right. But when we are vehemently opposed to, another person's point of view, our position may not be comfortable but it is at least, easy to understand. The worst communication difficulties arise when two people are in agreement about many matters but differ dramatically about some essential point. Confusion is never comfortable. That's why most people, whenever they feel bewildered, are keen to regain a feeling of clarity. They jump to the first conclusion that seems half-convincing - and then breathe a sigh of relief because they are no longer in doubt. Really, though, they have merely swapped confusion for delusion! This feels better in the short term but creates far more trouble in the long run. Certainty is soothing. Doubt is disturbing. That's why most of us prefer delusion to confusion. We would rather cling to an opinion, no matter how ill-founded, than cast ourselves adrift on the ocean of bewilderment. If, we can now find the courage to concede that there is something we don't know, we can begin to make a priceless discovery. We won't find out the truth until we stop believing in a convenient assumption. The reality may not be quite so handy in the short-term, but, in the long run, it is of far more use to us in the country that belongs to our generation.



We live in a world full of rules. We have to accept, not only the laws of the land, but the laws of science. We soon learn that, if we defy these laws, one way or another we will pay a price. Thus, we embrace them - enthusiastically. Enthusiasm though, gives rise to appetite. We end up hungering for yet more laws - so we create them; laws of fashion, laws of style, laws of language, laws of polite behaviour, laws of self-restraint. There are some laws we must not break now. A rebellion in one area, though, is long overdue. We think, because we can't leap tall buildings in a single bound, that there's no point in jumping. We imagine, because we know that we can't go faster than a speeding express train, that we will never get anywhere. We yearn for superhuman powers and then feel decidedly frustrated by their annoying absence. Right now, we really don't need a cape or a one-piece Lycra suit. We just need a little more faith in the abilities that we do already have. Our opportunity is perfectly feasible and well-worth pursuing. But how much of the future can we really see? Less than we wish we could, but more than we think we can! Some things will always be hidden. Others definitely can be correctly identified. From time to time, the heavens find it necessary to boost our powers of prediction. It requires us to have an inkling of what's possible, to ensure that we make appropriate choices….



In Nigeria our country we are getting a glimpse of the shape of things to come. If we like the look of this, let’s trust it and work to make it a reality. If we don't, let’s take heed - and take action. After a while, we get used to wading through treacle. We don't expect our steps to be anything but sticky. We wear treacle-proof boots. We develop treacle-treading techniques. Then, to our surprise, we walk out one morning to find the streets have been cleaned. The treacle has all been washed away. We miss it. We even feel suspicious. Could it be a trick to lull us into a false sense of security? Right now, something awkward is leaving our motherland. Something good is coming to take its place. We mustn’t fear this change – we must embrace it. As we edge nearer to a goblin guardian with a sharp sword, we are growing deeply uncomfortable. Surely, there must be another way out of the tunnel? If this way, so fraught with danger, is the only way to proceed, perhaps it is best not to proceed at all - but then we don't want to remain in the catacombs forever. As we contemplate the daunting obstacle, let’s listen carefully. What's that noise? It sounds a lot like snoring. Guess what? Nigeria’s enemies are asleep! It's only an analogy but it is, Trust me, a good one. The Lord our God is on our side now. The period of uncertainty that we have lately been going through is now coming to an end. We won't suddenly find that we have all the answers but we will at least start to feel sure that we are asking the right questions. We won't suddenly resolve all our disagreements with others - but we'll feel much more comfortable about the need and reason for the conflict. We won't get everything we want - but I strongly believe we will at least become happy that we know how to get it over time. Progress is about to become possible in the world most beloved nation…well! It’s Nigeria. Two words spring to mind. The first is 'cards'. The second is 'table'. Let’s put the first upon the second. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Others may not choose to be so candid. Our efforts to set an example may - or may not - have a constructive impact. It's possible they may make some people extra keen to conceal something. It doesn't matter. Let’s do what we know is right and fair... and Nigerians won't be sorry.



This world is full of people who are struggling to get what they want. Some are failing while others are succeeding. So who, among these, should we congratulate and to whom should we offer sympathy? That's not a question that can be answered without knowing more about what is being sought and why. It's perfectly possible to get what we think we want and be miserable. It's possible too, to never get it but deeply enjoy the process of trying. Let’s forget about whether we are winning or losing now. Let’s just aim to be wise. What goes up though, must surely come down. Unless, that is, it happens to be a rocket, capable of defying the earth's gravity. Such vessels only have to come back if their pilots want them to. They can float in space forever if they are not deliberately drawn down again. Some people believe that when we come to the end of our time on this earth, we will all be judged. If that's really so, how will we know that we have arrived in a different place? Surely, it is here in this world that the judging takes place. We mortals never seem to stop weighing each other up, jumping to conclusions and apportioning degrees of innocence and blame. If the gods aren't a little more impartial and forgiving, do they really deserve their place in the pantheon? Let’s not be too harsh on ourselves or others now. Without problems to solve, we may as well be potatoes - or cabbages! We will have no stimulation, no motivation, no challenges to rise to and no choices to make. We need difficulty in just the same way as we need food. We mustn't have too much - but we mustn't have too little, either. We may prefer our troubles to have a particular texture or flavour, but it is surprising what we can digest when we really have to. There is a way now to gain enjoyment in our country and even nourishment from a situation that I believe we all dislike. Let’s imagine it is 2007. We are looking back together over the last couple of years and assessing the experiences we have been through. Are we going to decide that we have made a series of clever moves or will we be looking back at a trail of missed opportunities? That entirely depends on how keen we have been to get to the future! The key to success in our country right now, does not involve hurrying time along and trying to speed up the arrival of tomorrow. It involves developing a deeper appreciation of what's happening today.



When we feel hungry, it doesn't matter how good life has been lately or how much we have to look forward to. All we know is that our stomach is growling and we have to do something about this! Likewise, when we're tired or feel under the weather. Some needs are so overwhelming that, till they have been met, they 'cancel out' everything else. Emotional states can have the same effect. We get so 'into' a desire, a fear, resentment or a worry that the rest of our life begins to seem irrelevant. Let’s watch for that now. Some factors are bugging us in this country, big time. But it's really not as important as we think. Let’s not let it spoil our enjoyment of all that's so good in our country, in other ways. Opportunities are only useful to us if we are able to recognize them. We can be surrounded by all the things we need most but if they're hidden behind walls or if we're looking to the left when they happen to be on the right... we'll just feel as if nothing is on offer to us. Pessimists forget that opportunity is playful and likes to play hide and seek. Optimists, though, just join in the game... and join in. If they can't see an opening or a possibility, they start hunting. They inwardly 'know' it must be somewhere nearby, waiting to be dug out. Let’s be optimistic now in Nigeria. If we set out looking for a better way to move on... we WILL find one! There is not much point in putting on a play if there is no one in the audience to watch it. Why bother staging a drama if it's not going to create a reaction? Somewhere in our country, a fire is burning. We can add more fuel or we can leave it to burn itself out. I believe we can regain control and restore order. To do this, we must be firm (though, not heavy-handed) and confident (but not arrogant). Above all else we must be honest with ourselves. What do we really want? We will only make progress if our actions match our words. The trouble with small deceptions is that they have a tendency to turn into large deceptions. Whether they involve white lies or dark secrets, they work well enough until someone notices a gap between fact and fiction. Then, either the truth has to come out or an additional layer of misinformation has to be created. Life sometimes brings tricky decisions. It also sometimes brings up tough choices for friends or associates. It's all very well saying, 'err in favour of honesty' but sometimes, a policy of honesty can appear to be a highly erroneous path to follow. Discretion may well make life easier than candor. But integrity is a MUST. We must never let anything compromise our integrity.



Cultural & Public Diplomacy Practitioner, Specialist Investigator and Honorary Representative