When Civilization Negates Liberalization


Salisu Ahmed Koki



“There is no compulsion in Religion”



To begin with, here is a bold challenge I dare present to any sane and scrupulous reader. Please scan through any holy book you can lay your soft hands on and fish out a catch-phrase that bore similit ude with that quoted above if you can. I believe you can only helplessly wallow around, render your self intellectually-vagabond or worst become nowhere bound, for I know and believe that you can only find it in a book most of us so-called civilized and western bred fellows love to hate: in the ‘the glorious Qu’ran.’ Please hold your breath and exercise a little patience for I know you are bound to dismiss this as a ‘weak-preach-trick’, which it is boldly not. It is the truth and nothing but the truth.


When the phantom- like Al-Qaeda network hit the mighty America the only reason they gave as a rationale for conducting such a deadly attack is that ‘America and Americans by their actions or inactions, covertly or overtly are aiding the brutal State of Israel snatch-away life from innocent Palestinians and some other helpless Muslims in the Middle East and the world at large’ but my ever-snooping ears never heard their bearded Saudi-Yemeni leader or his Egypt-bred-Architect deputy utter something like ‘every American or every Westerner must convert to Islam or risk paying a deadly price’. Same applies to America-branded Muslim terrorists (?) of this mysterious world. So, why should the Whole Wild West panic or worst shamelessly put on show its unjustifiable hatred for Islam and Muslims to the world idiotically?


Without making one self sound a little bit racist, I dare say that I almost always laugh at a Westerner whom always derive pleasure from looking down on Muslims or Blacks because to him or her we are nothing but bunch of cowards and uncivilized slavery-worthy caricatures worthy of conscription into comedians-army or rather a blockbuster animation movie.


Bearing in mind that Journalism profession is not a religion, at this juncture it is worth noting that I am not out to win new converts, but what I am doing is presenting the facts before your eyes and literally knocking-on your head to wake you up from a lethal slumber that seems to embarrassingly disturb you. Reason, an average Westerner is ignorant of the world outside Europe or America, thanks to their governments deliberate and equally logically crafted stone-walling and sophisticated mind control programmes (CNN and BBC manipulation inclusive). If not, why should the so-called civilized Americans or Brits be fooled into endorsing a war whose val ue or otherwise they are blatantly ignorant of, resulting in a movie-like display of mans inhumanity to man?  Come to think of it, the European Union’s constitution is calculatingly stripped-off God and religion, hence is morally void. Little wonder the moral rot in Western societies. To them homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, adultery, disrespect to parents and birth outside wedlock, all are leisure pursuits to adore with incomparable pride and passion (if you are in doubt ask Elton John, Michael Jackson or Madonna). By now I believe you did understand why they definitely hate whatever will knock them off the path of these sinful erotic adventures, Islam inclusive. So, it is no surprise when the white guys in Denmark decided to blasphemously package our beloved prophet of Islam and present him to the world through their rotten media.


The truth is, an average Westerner is since the beginning of time been manipulated intellectually, tele-guided socially, misguided morally and logically remote-controlled by their governments in other to entertain their satanic cravings.


When the Western alliance plotted against and destroyed the closely and jealousy-guarded Babylonian civilization (Iraq), shed innocent blood in Afghanistan, ruined Palestine, sub-due Syria through psychological warfare, threatened Iran, bombed Sudan, butcher Albanian Muslims, destabilized Lebanon and attempted to scrap-out Somalia, all of them Muslim countries the Muslim world cried ‘foul’ and registered their fears, thus, the West is fighting shamelessly and selfishly to tame the spread of this glorious religion, the whole WILD world laughed and dismissed Muslims for been needlessly paranoiac. Now that the true motives of the West vis-ŕ-vis Islam is cropping one can heave a sight of relief.


When the warrior-like number one man of Iran (Ahmedinidaj) debunked the concept and precept of Holocaust dismissing it as a ‘myth’ the entire West opened its mouth shamelessly wide and cried ‘foul’, but now that the most respected prophet of Islam and indeed the most revered spiritual leader on earth (ask Michael Heart if you think I am wrong at my assertion) was blasphemously misrepresented in the ever-silly and biased Western media the West threw their weights on the perpetrators of this heinous act claiming that it is nothing but a clear manifestation of ‘Freedom of Expression’. Forgive me if I sound a little bit harsh , but to be honest with all and with due respect to the so-called civilized west; westerners are very cagy and unintelligent. Reason, they are easily shrouded by the cloth of sentiment always when it comes to something they utterly hate. To me, it is like an average westerner is pre-wired to be morally bankrupt and utterly irresponsible on this mysterious spinning ball.


If you happen to be among those people that are blessed with the heart of stone and if you are still not convinced as to the West needless hatred for Islam, then, I advice you comb through your pocket/wallet, fish out a little N300, go buy a world receiver, tune-in to BBC World Service and keenly study and analyze the frequency at which the words ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslims’ are mentioned as against Christianity or atheism, and also ascertain the manner at which they are mentioned.


Islam imposes its whims and caprices on its subjects by breeding confusion and convulsions amongst them, so will an average westerner illogically allege. But what we are witnessing today in the form of attack on Islam and Muslims is a vivid example of breeding chaos and confusions in order to not only manage the west, but the majority rest, shifting attention to Muslims and taming anti-Semitism.


To draw the curtain, in this age of digital economy and computer revolution, I see no re ason why the so-called civilized west will qualify us Muslims as been jealous people whom see no value in ‘freedom and democracy’ for I know they knew the role algorithm played and is still playing in the formulation of computer programmes and I strongly believe that they cant afford to delete the name ‘Al-Khawarizmi’ (who happen to be the discover of this mathematical master piece and who happen to be a so-called uncivilized Muslim) from the books of history. So also ‘algebra’ and the likes of Al-Khindi, Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Batutta and Ibn Sina (Avicenna and his Canon) all of them so-called uncivilized Muslim scientists. Where were the civilized west when Muslims are running the show? You have the right to remain silent…so don’t panic.


Salisu Ahmed Koki

koki Creative Media,

