Buharism And Nigerian Masses: The Need For The Struggle


Ishaku A Liman




The term Buharism evolved during the regime of General Muhammad Buhari. It connotes a true popularity, the struggle to emancipate society from socio-political injustice. It offers condition and opportunities for the free development of all individuals based on equality of social justice and proper solution to the requirement of all members of the society. The concepts fought gallantly to reduce if not totally eliminate the privileges of some little nobility to enthrone the equality of all citizens before the law. The term also indicates a total battle against indiscipline, nepotism and bad manners, corruption as well as bribery. The term in its totality is the reflection of our true national character before the later was totally corrupted by social injustice, poor economy, which has, encroached our cultural values and moral institutions.


Buharism is a phenomenon of truth, political justice, socio-economic emancipation and quest towards self-reliance and growth.


Discipline assume a particular importance as nothing add so much to the stature of the individual as a constructive attitude towards life and a conscious approach to one's duty to society, when matching words and deeds/actions become the rule of daily behaviour.


Buharism tried to see individual as men who are supposed to combine intellectual wealth, high moral principles and physical fitness together as a requisites for harmonious development and growth of the individual as well as the society. It tried to see man as one who does not reproduce himself in certainty, but does so in his integrity; does not strive to become something final but is in absolute motion of becoming. Situations and circumstances changes so is history but  integrity which is constant must remained the tool with which to tackle the  changes happening to our society for the better.


Buharism sees a harmoniously developed individual as the requisite for the Nigerian state, a requisite for true unity, nationhood and greatness. It is in Buharism that the developed individuals are seen as vital for the greatness and strength of the Nigerian state in her effort to lead  the African continent. For Nigeria the giant of Africa.


But every idea, every concept has factors and situations real or imagined that challenges it’s positioning and so is Buharism. Today a fierce ideological struggle is being wage over and over to evade and eliminate popular Buharism as an ideology in the minds of millions of Nigerian masses. Opposing its principles, underestimating it and denouncing its very achievements. The oppositions, the forces of the antagonists still considers themselves humanist but remains passive in the actual struggle against injustice, passive in the actual struggle for peace and democratic freedom. However they remain active in the field of oppression, subversion and economic exploitation of the Nigerian populace.       Leaders in the past, contributed immensely to the backwardness and underdevelopment of this giant called Nigeria.


However, there is only one among them who dare to challenge the perpetrators of this great evil called corruption, who dare to challenge the encroachment of poverty and hunger. He continuously struggles to enlighten the masses to adapt to self-reliant measures in their quest to quench hunger, always trying to emancipate the people’s mind from the abyss of misinformation, paving the way for them to be at the centre stage of participatory governance. “We shall remain here and salvage it together” such was the words of Buhari when he took over power in the early 80’s. His government was short live but within the period, we witnessed  tremendous changes in the positive transformation of Nigeria. Nigeria was given the pills that wake it up from the slumber of retrogression and indiscipline. Nigeria was moved to the positive fields of hard work, discipline, progress and self-reliance. Nigerian was positioning itself in the struggle to become emancipated from the forces of imperialism, neo-colonialism and monopolies of the strong economies. However this effort was frustrated by the overthrow of the regime.


Nigeria started seeing the wheel of positive transformation moving during the short-lived period of Buhari.


The ideology is apparently an accepted concept but the zeal with which to actualize this is lacking, because we lack the temerity to challenge our spoiled attitude, to challenge our selfish interest, because we don’t want to act according to the rules and order with which our society is supposed to be governed, because we are not interested in the future of our children, because we are only interested in accumulating and amassing wealth from our nation’s coffers, because we are afraid to face reality and future without the stolen  government dollars in our pocket, because we don't want to face the truth and remove lies and intrigues from our actions and inactions, from our responses to the issues of presentation and representation, from our individual or collective effort. Because it is only in Nigeria that affluences from stolen money is not questioned but glorified. Because we always accept to install into power people of questionable  character, people we know have stolen the tax-payers money, people we know have questionable educational background, people we know are working with fake certificates obtained on Toronto basis from either Nigerian-Toronto universities or from those similar universities abroad.


It is only when we begin to address all these kind of problems, sanitising our system should we be able to cherish truth within and around us, refocuses our objectives to enable the wheel of progress move in the right direction. It is only when we accept the reality of our situation and circumstances and make the required effort to actualise this ideology and accept the leadership of Buhari, the founder of this ideology should we Nigerians and our Country see the light of progress and sustainable economic growth. It has to be our socio-political as well as our socio-economic ideology for our Country to see a turnaround for the better.


With Buhari as the leader of our great Nation we should definitely regain the lost glory of our national character , imbue discipline, hard work and commitment to service as well as the spirit of sacrifice to national interest.


With Buhari at the head of government  there should be no fear for the future, the future of our children because that would be guaranteed by good governance, prudent and judicious spending of government money and articulate policies directed towards sustainable growth and development. The credibility of Major General Mohammadu Buhari would not be overestimated. He demonstrated that during his short lived regime as well during his stay in the defunct PTF-Petroleum (special) Trust Fund of the Late General Abacha regime. Buhari is a man of humility, fairness and true character. He is a true Nigerian, detribalised and highly committed to the Nigerian course.


He is the man we need come the year 2007.  We just have to support him. What he need from us is our votes, our collective endorsement for him to rule this Country and we would see the Nigeria we need.