Past, Present And The Future


Gbite Martins

For the Past, anywhere there is university on the face of the earth, Africans especially Nigerian to my knowledge had been there to acquire education, from the 50’s till present, even though they’re conditioned to go through these educations in languages speaking in these countries. Realization that talent is the ability to develop one’s interest to the fullest for other’s recognition is not that clear, by thinking to produce people with talent in other’s languages, which must have compromise many natures given energy in human beings. You don’t need to wonder why people from these countries are now in Africa countries to help them develop. Why continue bringing up generations that still live with believe of travelling to their master’s countries, when they’re going to wait for their masters to come and use their resources to create all what they’ve learned for them? It’s time for the Africans to sit down and think of what education should be, not just being taught to go around the world to be managed.

For the present, what Africans considered education starting from Nigeria, had produced considered educated, writers and former Dean of university in their countries, locked to be managed in foreign countries. To make the matter worse, the specialty of a Dean from Nigeria is in one of the country’s languages. It will be a waste of time trying to figure out why the production of many generations, full of ego base power on what they were taught, pick on one another to get the most they can from each other as survival, translated into achievement designed by others, unable to think and work together on anything towards progress everywhere they go, but run back to their masters for direction.

If you ask many considered educated people in Africa, especially black countries, whether they prefer government by one person that will change the lives of his or her people for better and permanently or rotational governments that keep failing their people, my presumption is, most of them will choose the latter as they were taught.

For the future, one way or another, either militarily or academically, most African leaders had gone through education in their master’s countries. From application of common sense, money is what the masters’ uses to manage the whole. Why African leaders cannot see or think of unify monetary system, putting neighboring countries together for two or three acceptable currency in international market, instead of breeding generations trained to continue singing the song of not having technology or man power for this purpose.

The question remains. How would you dictate the value of your mineral resources, for favorable and successful management of your man power, which will eventually result into shared trade either by Bata or otherwise for technology and economy growth, if others are managing you with their currency? A way of putting chart before the horse is not the way to go. Money will forever be the root of all evil to the leaders and people of Africa countries, second largest continent with no international medium of exchange, while the ultimate channel to prosperity is by exploiting one another with other’s money myopically. Chinese must have seen what is in African’s brains that they don’t see, proposing dealing with government direct for rapid development and a way to establish direct trade, banking wise. A chance for the African to redirect their thought, economy diversification to create competition as to recognize those that are ready to work with them for real growth. Why refusing to let the master go in their psychics is still a mystery.

The question Africa leaders should be addressing or never pay attention to for their people, how the people’s representatives with common sense, publicly debate the advantages and disadvantages of domiciliary account of foreign currency for individual, has to do with development of their nation and why so called developed countries are not doing the same. Again, whether allowing their master’s languages to dissolve their languages and dialects or look into developing one, two or three of their languages to dissolve their dialects to be the way to go, to retain remaining identity. It doesn’t stop the usage of English language to relate to outside world as others are doing. Look around you leaders, people within your borders that has never been to school, were teaching each other’s these dialects and languages for intermarriages, economy interactions for peaceful, civilize environment than the cities, if you know what being civil is all about.