Pray Your Oppressors Live Broke Not Die


Farouk Martins Aresa

Do not wish death on your oppressors because he owns the Central Bank or hold the code to foreign bank savings, if you do not want to live in penury thereafter. Pray for their survival so that they can be caught alive to recover the loot. Nobody knows how much Abacha, Mobutu or those users of aged Haile Selassie stashed away after their death. We have so many accounts in foreign banks scrabbled and hidden in the hands of cronies, that even they, cannot remember.

Nigerians were mad like hell raining curses on their oppressors. Indeed if they catch anyone praying for them they may give him the jungle justice. If some people wonder where this bile against oppressors comes from, they have not been watching the hearings on how petroleum subsidy was spent, how charitable Governor of Central Bank can be or heard wishful rumor of Tinubu’s stroke. Money was flying out of Central Bank like flies after a sore. Does it remind you of Abacha regime’s Central Bank, in spite of all the check and balance instituted thereafter?   

So if oppressors die with all that money, who is going to recover them back to the countries they were stolen from. This is why it is very distasteful to pray for the death of Asiwaju of Lagos. If he was sick, the best we could do is pray for his quick recovery until nemesis catch up with him hale and hearty so that Lagos State can use the loot for better endeavors. Wishful thinking for on your part for sickness and death is highly misplaced. If Lamido Sanusi just reminds you of Abacha, it is government money going to government house in Kano not Sokoto, the poorest.

And subsidy money, well? They have been blaming it on the masses instead of where the money was actually going. We were accused of being lazy looking for subsidies instead of paying the market price for the petrol we use when as usual the lion share was going to the big boys. Even those that wanted to stop it were helpless. So they devised a way to tell the masses that they were going to stop their subsidy. The worst they could do was revolt and they would be appeased by a roll back of the price by some little fraction.

Kale of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said ONLY about 93.9 per cent of Nigerians considered themselves to be poor in 2010 against 75.5 per cent that said so in 2004. But they lie too much, jo.  The actual Nigeria’s poverty rate stood at 69 per cent in 2010 he corrected them. Some of the children of the looters do not even believe there is poverty in Nigeria until they saw the isolated case of people living in environmental dump in Lagos portrayed by foreign press. Well, may be in other cities, these young men and women grudgingly implied.    

If your name was not on subsidy hospitality, you missed the list of who and who in Nigeria. The Fight Corruption masses went and occupy the front lawns of some of the beneficiaries including that of Asiwaju of Lagos. It is obvious to Nigerians that he is always involved in some crooked activities in Nigeria, not only in Lagos. If he is that rich as Lagosians want us to believe, they should pray for his health to recovery what is theirs and leave what is for Federal to Federal.

Rumors and gossips were flying around about the demise of Tinubu while many of us were praying feverishly for his health. Our first contact was the Pope of Rome for a special mass for his health until we were informed that he has never taken communion since he was never a Catholic. So we went to the Arch Bishop of Canterbury only to find out he is not even a protestant. But while studying outside Nigeria, he was everything. Somebody said that was him.

We then proceeded to Mecca asking for the Chief Imam. He directed us back to the Sultan of Sokoto in Nigeria as his representative and a place we should have started. We could have but we were reliably informed that Tinubu was receiving treatment outside the Country. Usually, the rich in Nigeria prefer a country closer to God in case their treatment fail and they die. The noise about Nigeria as the most religious in the world does not include distance to paradise.

While praying for our looters, It was later that we were informed that Africans have been fooling owners of foreign religion for a long time that they believe in their religions more than the owners. Indeed, when it comes to death, Nigerians will flip back to their indigenous religion looking for the Babalawo with the best Voodoo money can buy. There are many of those these days since money is the root of all their desires. So a worship of foreign religion is just a sham.

There are Babalawo and there are Babalawo. We were reliably informed that at the beginning when the looters go to them, they are informed of the pros and cons of getting rich the way they wanted. Once they get rich, there is always a price to pay. They are told to go back home and come back in a few days if they decide to go along. Of course when they come back, they are told how they are going to die as pay back sacrifice and they are willing to go along.

After making all the money, they go back to another Babalawo asking him to remove the pay back sacrifice so that they can live longer. They usually pay more in that case than they did for the service of the first Babalawo. This is why some of these Babalawo are so expensive. When they finally realize nobody can cure the curse they put on themselves to get rich, they resort to foreign religion and foreign hospitals to save them. If none of these works, they want a country closer to hell, sorry, closer to paradise.

What we should be praying for is to catch them when they are still healthy so that they can divulge where they hide most of their loot. We can then use that loot to build the same hospital and the same infrastructure they seek outside the Country. The most important point in their life is when they can be most useful in leading us to where and whom their loot is located. But do not entertain a doubt that they will continues to die in foreign hospital to get closer to God.